Photos' hunt (2003 01 25 )


Welcome to my photos' hunt at Disneyland Resort Paris. You can find this newsletter at this address:

Click on a picture to enlarge it. If you like one of them and want to use it on your web site, don't forget to inform me and to mention the original source with a "© J°o°eL" !

Come along... !

What's missing on the picture ?

Think... think... think...

Answer is coming... below...


A new fireworks-proof roof for Agrabah



A new Shootin' Gallery

After refurbishment...

Names of the old time 

are not really leaving the resort

Seen in Adventureland

Seen in the train station

Studio 1

Keeps some xmas atmosphere

So, the answer is...

You are right, an egg !

CU next week ;-)

© J°o°eL / 2003